Problems with Javascript (scroll and popup windows)

Hi there guys, I have these problems. One is about some popup windows that are going to much on the top of the screen of the web page, another is about the page scrolling going to much down in regards to where the div is placed. This depends (I think for both) by my navigation bar which is included from an external PHP file. This navbar is created with Bootstrap. I created two videos so you can better undestand the problems.

Here the problem with the popups:

First you have to activate the mobile style for the community: Then go here:

Here is the problem with the scroll:

If you need a test account to test the reply function just ask.

If anyone is able to help I’ll really appreciate. I really can’t understand how to fix these two problems. Thank you so much in advance for any reply.

I think you want to increase z-index of your popups (or decrease it for header instead)

Yes as megazoid said try this.

ul.sub {z-index:9999}

Arghhhh, I didn’t think at that! It’s so simple! :hankey:
I will try and let you know! About the scroll problem… do you still have some simple suggestions I can try to resolve? :slight_smile:

Solved with the z-index! Thank you guys! Still having problems with the scroll function…

What is the problem with the scroll exactly? It looks like you have a fixed header so if you are scrolling using fragment identifiers then they will scroll under the fixed header.

If you are using a script to scroll to targets then you will need to add in an offset equal to the height of the fixed header.

@PaulOB yeas I knew that. The problem is that I sincerely don’t know where to operate in order to add the offset. That’s a free forum software (esoTalk, you might know it).

If it’s a JS solution you are after then @megazoid would be more helpful here than me as my js is basic at best.

Have you tried their support forum?

No, they are currently working on another forum… I think that I will not receive support for that.

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