Problems with viewing blog in internet explorer 9

Hi all. i’m having the prolems with my blog, when i view it in firefox or chrome, it works fine, but it in IE9, i found too many issue, first, the footer too large, and suddenly some border appear, you can see those errors in the pictures below:

Some border appear in a picture below

In chrome, its normal.

My blog:
Thank in advance for any helps :smiley:

Just to double check, is your IE browser mode and document mode set to IE9? when you open IE simply press F12, it will pop up an IE developer tool. Altough you are using IE9, but the output of document could be Quirks mode or IE7 mode.

If you have IE mode problem, you can force a web page compatibility to specific document mode. e.g.

<meta content=‘IE=EmulateIE8’ http-equiv=‘X-UA-Compatible’/>

so that you fix the issue on IE8 will do.

Thanks you, the problems solved :smiley: