Procedure Transaction Code returns "Query OK, 0 rows affected"

My procedure is calling a simple transaction for updating two tables. It is successfully saved as a procedure, but when called, it doesn’t execute the code. It simply returns “Query OK, 0 rows affected”. Running in MySQL 5.6.10.

Am I missing something in my syntax? Perhaps it is error in how it is being executed?

CREATE PROCEDURE transact_account (amount DECIMAL(9,2), description VARCHAR(200), account_type VARCHAR(30), transaction_type VARCHAR(20))



INSERT INTO transactions
SELECT null, now(), amount, description, account_id FROM accounts WHERE type = account_type;

IF transaction_type = 'credit'

UPDATE accounts
SET balance = balance + amount
WHERE type = account_type;

ELSEIF transaction_type = 'debit'

UPDATE accounts
SET balance = balance - amount
WHERE type = account_type;




CALL PROCEDURE transact_account (1000, 'freelance', 'checkings', 'credit');

Have you checked to see if there are any accounts like that? Are you sure the type is spelled right? I’ve heard of checking accounts, but never checkings accounts.

SELECT null, now(), amount, description, account_id FROM accounts WHERE type = ‘checkings’;

I figured it out. I had to close my terminal window for it to update the procedure code. But yeah, I do need to fix the wording on that one. Thanks.