Push-slide sidebar

Hi all am having some issues w/creating a push-slide sidebar and created a code pen.
so far i can’t even get the sidebar to console.log a click


could i get some advice?

have been trying to simply and been working over my code. with some online search tried this


}, function() {


but even then i get

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
(anonymous function)

Any advice please?

It seems that you haven’t loaded the jQuery library.

Put jquery somewhere close to your page, such as in a js folder and load it from a script tag.

<script src="js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>

Get that side of things sorted out and you can move on from there.

Hey Paul. thx but that shouldn’t be the issue.
using wp. it comes w/jquery and also tested placing the code straight in the footer.
Did not work either.

Maybe it shouldn’t be, but if $ is not defined it’s a safe bet either jQuery isn’t getting loaded before it’s needed or it’s not in “no conflict” mode and another library is over-riding $

Maybe try adding
var $ = window.jQuery;

howdy mittiniague, i tried your suggestion added that bit of code at the top of the code i have
and also just to check added
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
to the header. so now i have

		console.log("dog gone it");
}, function() {


weird but now the toggle just dissapears to the left on page loading. w/out any other action on my part.

This post has been reformatted by enclosing the inline code with backticks
before and after the code.

& think it should be an onclick event actually so:


}, function() {


If it helps, .toggle() method was removed in jQuery 1.9 in favour for using .toggleClass() instead.

will give it a shot thx Paul

ok pretty beffuldeled.
i enqued the jquery & js in the functions.php

wp_enqueue_script( 'my-jquery', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js','20130115', false );
wp_enqueue_script( 'my-sidebar-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/sidebar.js','20150126',true);

i have this code in the sidebar.js

		$("#content").removeClass( ".site-content" ).addClass( ".site-content-open" );

the alert works. but the class is not replaced, it is added so now i see

class="site-content site-content-open"

but i see no error in the code. & the console gives no errors either.

never mind.
removed the “.” now it kinda works

.removeClass( "site-content" ).addClass( "site-content-open" );

ok finally got it even closer to working with this:


			left: "+=275",
		  }, 50, function() {});
			"padding":"0px 0px 0px 275px"
			left: "-=250",
		  }, 50, function() {});
			"padding":"0px 0px 0px 50px"

however now my prob is if the user clicks a second time on the #secondary div it vanishes entirely.
I did try a .classToggle instead of click but that of course didn’t work as am not switching classes but animating.
how could i fix this please?

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