Question about JSON


I have read this very interesting article:

My question is: is it safe to use native JSON parser nowadays, or should I worry that some browsers may not support it?

If I have to include the json script, how should I do it? My script is wrapped in an anonymous function. Should the json script be included there? Outside the scope of this anonymous function?


It would still be a good idea to include it, as IE6/7 don’t have native JSON parsing (

If you use the json2.js it will only add the JSON methods if they do not already exist, for example:

// If the JSON object does not yet have a stringify method, give it one.

    if (typeof JSON.stringify !== 'function') {
        JSON.stringify = function (value, replacer, space) {

If you use an anonymous function closure around your script, you can pass in the JSON object as an parameter to the closure, the only pre-requisite is of course that the JSON script is executed before you use it :slight_smile:

( function ( JSON ) {

  //safe to use JSON 

} )( JSON );

And for example, if you use a library like jQuery, you could pass it into your closure as well.

( function ( JSON, $ ) {

  //safe to use JSON and $ as a jQuery alias

} )( JSON, jQuery );

While it is certainly possible to include the JSON library in your closure, it would probably not be feasible to do this with a library like jQuery :wink:

Great answer. Thank you so much. Yes, JQuery would be a bit too big. :slight_smile: