Question about less

So, nowdays I’m using less.css when designing websites, could never go back to standard CSS.

usually i convert the less-css to standard css before I upload it. But on my new site ( I didn’t , is there any negative stuff with doing this, except people that have JS turned off (who has that anyway?) can’t watch the page as it is supposed to look?

I noticed the first time i tried loading my new site in safari, firefox and chrome, the style didn’t load, I had to refresh the site one time before it did, does that have anything to do with me using JS to process?

I noticed the first time i tried loading my new site in safari, firefox and chrome, the style didn’t load, I had to refresh the site one time before it did, does that have anything to do with me using JS to process?

The page was probably cached in the memory and you needed a refresh/reload to overwrite it.