Question about many-to-many relations structure/indexes

Which one of these three techniques you would prefer and why for many-to-many situations (using MySQL)?

  1. Three fields in the link table, id, linked_id1, linked_id2. (InnoDB)
    id = primary_key
    linked_id1 (linked to the host table with foreign_key)
    linked_id2 (linked to the host table with foreign_key)

  2. Two fields in the link table, linked_id1 and linked_id2. (InnoDB)
    primary_key = (linked1, linked2)
    linked_id1 (linked to the host table with foreign_key)
    linked_id2 (linked to the host table with foreign_key)

  3. Two fields in the link table, linked_id1 and linked_id2. (MyISAM)
    primary key = (linked_id1, linked_id2)
    unique index = (linked_id2, linked_id1)
    And then join data in code.

Or something totally different and why ?

which of those three do i prefer? none of them


i would use foreign keys, so that rules out 3

i would never use an auto_increment id in a relationship table, so that rules out 1

2 is very close to ideal, but it’s missing an index

Why dont you share more about the missing index? :slight_smile:

you should create two indexes (or should that be indices), on both columns in your example #2.

Or one?

And why?


so when joing to the table, it’ll work efficiently no matter which column the join was on. PK is one index and another reverse index should be created.


please see this post

the PK is an index, and then you create a second one on the same columns but in the other order (see the index highlighted in blue)