Question on rounding off a sum

Hi. I have this JavaScript function that displays the sum of all the values of a column. Is there any way that I can modify the code to round the sum off to two decimal points?

		function calculateFooterValues(stage){
			if(stage && stage!=2)
				return true;
			var srQ = document.getElementById("sr_q");
				srQ.innerHTML = "$"+sumColumn(6)
			return true;			
		function sumColumn(ind){
			var out = 0;
			for(var i=0;i<mygrid.getRowsNum();i++){
				out+= parseFloat(mygrid.cells2(i,ind).getValue())
			return out;


You need Math.round. You’ll need to apply that to out before returning it.

Thanks for replying. Is there a way to have math.round round off two places after the decimal point? For example, the result I get for out is


and I’d like the result to be


Thanks again! I think I’m getting close. I’ve modified the code to this:

function sumColumn(ind){
			var out = 0;
			for(var i=0;i<mygrid.getRowsNum();i++){
				out+= parseFloat(mygrid.cells2(i,ind).getValue())
			return Math.round(out * 100.00) / 100 ;out;

Now I’m getting this value for out:


Please tell me: How can I get this value, instead?


Use toFixed :slight_smile:

U TH’ MAN! This worked:

function sumColumn(ind){
			var out = 0;
			for(var i=0;i<mygrid.getRowsNum();i++){
				out+= parseFloat(mygrid.cells2(i,ind).getValue())
			return out.toFixed(2) ;out;

[s]Note that .toFixed doesn’t round. So 1.059 will be returned as 1.05 (should be 1.06).

If you also want rounding you should probably do Math.round(number).toFixed(2)


No, it does round. But please check a view inputs to see if you get what you want. The back of my mind is telling me there’s something odd about .toFixed() …

OK. Someone at another forum suggested this:

		function sumColumn(ind){
			var out = 0;
			for(var i=0;i<mygrid.getRowsNum();i++){
				out+= parseFloat(mygrid.cells2(i,ind).getValue())
			out = "" + (Math.round(out * 100)) / 100 ; 
			if (out.indexOf(".") == out.length-2) { out +='0' ; 
			return out ; 			

Seems to work. What do you think?


Yup looks fine :slight_smile:

It may work but have you validated the code?

The following validates:

function sumColumn(ind) {
	var out = 0, i, mygrid;
	for (i = 0; i < mygrid.getRowsNum(); i += 1) {
		out += parseFloat(mygrid.cells2(i, ind).getValue());

	out = "" + (Math.round(out * 100)) / 100; 

	if (out.indexOf(".") === out.length - 2) { 
		out += "0";  

	return out;

If in doubt combine round and tofixed (that way you take care of any rounding issues with tofixed).

function sumColumn(ind) {
    var out = 0, i, mygrid;
    for (i = 0; i < mygrid.getRowsNum(); i += 1) {
        out += parseFloat(mygrid.cells2(i, ind).getValue());
return ((Math.round(out * 100)) / 100).toFixed(2);