Rails Rumble event

Are you registered to participate in the Rails Rumble for 2012; occuring this weekend?
I have participated several times in the past and highly recommend it. It is fun, and can really sharpen your skills.

I would be curious to hear about your ideas, planned applications, favorite gems.

I’m not registered, and it looks like it’s completely full.

What have you done in the past?

Actually, I feel as though I have performed poorly in the past.
The first year I participated, my team consisted of me with my two [adult] sons. One is (currently) a very successful Rails developer and the other is a 3D Modeler and artist. Sounds like a perfect team, right?
This was about 8 years ago, and we had just been introduced to Ruby and Rails. We spent the bulk of our time struggling to get the VPS configured and Rails installed.
That was a bit discouraging but it was fun having both my sons involved. We also did not commit completely to the project. I allowed ‘family’ events to steal a large portion of our time from the event.

The last Rails Rumble (which was more than a year ago) I worked alone and got an application completed but the judging was very, very discouraging. I won’t go into detail but if you read this year’s announcement carefully you will see that they are trying to address the issue.

@markbrown4; are you interested in participating? You could join my small team (currently consisting of me and a half-promise from a front-end designer)! It would be terrific to have a skilled Ruby guy with me.

Sounds really interesting.
I can’t this weekend unfortunately.

I am mixing Christmas puddings with my Nan so I can carry on the tradition :wink:

The RailsRumble was a lot of fun!

There are some very interesting applications that were created during the Marathon (hack-a-thon) event.

I highly recommend participation in this event (it is free, thanks to numerous sponsors). And the prizes are pretty impressive!!

The app I created is BusinessSpew(BS) . It has no socially redeeming quality at all; it is just fun.