Rails session across jquery ajax call

Hey Guys,

Kind of a strange problem, hopefully someone can help me out.

I want to set a session in my rails controller which I hit via jquery ajax get.

$.get(‘/leads/check’, function(data) {console.log(data);});

which hits the controller action

def check
session[:tester] = “test”

The session doesnt seem to be set across the ajax call and the js console gave back
“Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)”

Checking the rails logs also verifys that the controller check action is hit…

Anyone have an ideas on this?



Sessions rely on an identifier (session id) being transmitted in cookies with each http request. By default, xhr won’t transmit the browsers cookies. You need to pass the session id manually.

What are you using session for in this case? There’s probably a better solution (Like passing the shared data in some inline javascript).