Rails, stuck on standard

I have a gem I have downloaded
I am looking in the gem code and see a method
# call-seq:
# receive(callback_method, interval=5, join_thread=false)
# Starts a new thread, which polls the device every interval
# seconds to capture incoming SMS and call callback_method
# for each, and polls the device’s internal storage for incoming
# SMS that we weren’t notified about (some modems don’t support
# that).
# class Receiver
# def incoming(msg)
# puts “From #{msg.from} at #{msg.sent}:”, msg.text
# end
# end
# # create the instances,
# # and start receiving
# rcv = Receiver.new
# m = Gsm::Modem.new “/dev/ttyS0”
# m.receive rcv.method :incoming
# # block until ctrl+c
# while(true) { sleep 2 }
# Note: New messages may arrive at any time, even if this method’s
# receiver thread isn’t waiting to process them. They are not lost,
# but cached in @incoming until this method is called.
def receive(callback, interval=5, join_thread=false)

How do I call this method ?

  1. I have tried to run this in the console of my app but get no output

Any help and guidance is appreciated