RAML, the RESTful API Modeling Language

Not sure anyone reading this will find this helpful, but there is a “movement” among the RAML community around “generation” of anything/everything from RAML. In particular, the raml-client-generator project spun off an abstracted project called raml-generator. That project allows you to build your own nodejs module that requires raml-generator and then provide some boilerplate JS code to bootstrap your own custom generator engine. It all uses Handlebars.js internally so it’s pretty robust and quick to work with. A number of us are working on SDK generators for java, ruby, python, .net, go and others (JS is already covered by the raml-client-generator project). There are server side options for JAX-RS, python, etc as well as automated test code… in the works using the same generator, and with a little work a Markdown or HTML generator could be written for help generation. In short, especially if you are looking for client side SDKs and possibly server side, you can use RAML as your single source of truth to produce the full gamut of client and server output.