Redirecting Blackberry After Embedded YouTube Finishes

I’m trying to have a page reload to another place after the end of an embedded YouTube video. It works in every browser I’ve tested so far … except Blackberry. The video plays, but rather than redirect, instead it replays the video.

Here’s the nifty code.

You can see the page in action at:

    var player;
    function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() {
        player = new YT.Player('player', {
          height: '390',
          width: '640',
          videoId: '3MGQor2YaHA',
          events: {
            'onReady': onPlayerReady,
            'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange

    // autoplay video
    function onPlayerReady(event) {;

    // when video ends
    function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
        if( === 0) {
            window.location = "";