Regex question


I want to create a custom code and read the attributes.

[img src=“img.png” width=“11” alt=“adsfafsd”]

how would i create a regex that recognizes it and gives me the attributes in an array?

Thanks in advance.


Do you mean with attribute names as keys?

$result['src']= "img.png";
$result['width'] = "11"; // string or integer or not bothered?
$result['alt'] = "adsfafsd";

Shame you are not starting with an xml-friendly string (eg xHTML):

$input = '<img src="img.png" width="11" alt="adsfafsd" />';
$out = simplexml_load_string($input);

// gives
  public '@attributes' => 
      'src' => string 'img.png' (length=7)
      'width' => string '11' (length=2)
      'alt' => string 'adsfafsd' (length=8)

thanks so far.

I can’t use the xml codes i did look into it but there are constraints ;(

yeah the second post about the results is spot on. i’m not worried about datatypes i can manage that after it’s in the array.

Could you try the following code?

$s = '[img src="img.png" width="11" alt="adsfafsd"] test [img src="img.jpg" width="22" alt="hi"]';
$pattern = '#\\[img([^\\]]+)\\]#si';
if (preg_match_all($pattern, $s, $m))
        $pattern = '#(\\w+="[^"]+")#i';
        $attributes = array();
        foreach($m[1] as $m1)
                if (preg_match_all($pattern, $m1, $attrm))
                        foreach($attrm as $v)
                                $tmp = array();
                                foreach($v as $vv)
                                        $t = explode("=", $vv);
                                        $tmp[trim($t[0])] = str_replace('"', '', $t[1]);
                        $attributes[] = $tmp;

although it looks good… it’s not working.

hi … i’ve changed some of this.

and the first step is working the problem is that the second pattern isn’t picking anything up. i want to find the different attributes. in now is 1 string with all the attributes.

$pattern = '#\\\\[img([^\\]]+)\\]#smi';
    if (preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $m))
        $pattern = '#(\\w+\\="[^\\"]+\\")#mi';
        $pattern = '#\\"(?:[^\\\\"]+|\\\\.)*#mi';
        $attributes = array();
        foreach($m[1] as $m1)
                if (preg_match_all($pattern, $m1, $attrm))
                        // there's nothing here.. 
                        foreach($attrm as $v)

                                $tmp = array();
                                foreach($v as $vv)
                                        $t = explode("=", $vv);
                                        $tmp[trim($t[0])] = str_replace('"', '', $t[1]);
                        $attributes[] = $tmp;


Does the incoming string contain a single [*] tag, as in your first post, or does it contain multiples as in gvre’s example in #5 above?

Not sure what you mean there… the code I just posted is the latest i’m testing with …

I marked the point that it’s not getting too.

I had tested this code before I posted it here.
It matches one or more [img *] tags. Could you try it again?