Relatively positioned elements not being displayed in Safari

Greetings. Not sure if this belongs in the HTML forum or in here. Mods, please feel free to move at your desecration. Anyway…

I have a web page in which I am using an SVG clipping path applied to one of the page’s HTML elements.

SVG element:

<svg height="0" width="0">
		<clipPath id="clip">
			<path d="M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z" />

HTML element the clipping path is applied to

<div id="clipMe"> </div>

CSS defining the clip

#clipMe { clip-path: url(#clip); -webkit-clip-path: url(#clip); width: 200px; height: 200px; background-color: red; }

On the same page, I have various elements, some of which are relatively positioned:

    <div style="position: relative">
        <strong>My parent is relative</strong>

In Safari (8.0.4) only, these relatively positioned elements are not being displayed as long as the linkage from the #clipMe div to the clipPath (within the SVG element) is intact.

Latest versions of FF and Chrome display as expected.

Changing the position: property to anything other than relative displays everything as expected.

Disabling the clipping path (either by removing the SVG element all together or removing the clip-path: property from the CSS) displays everything as expected as well.


Again, this is Safari only. It took me a while to isolate it down to being about the SVG clipping path and position: relative so I’m guessing there may other situations with similar results.

Has anyone run into this or have any suggestions for getting those relatively positioned <div>s to display?


Chrome and webkit often seem to have weird disappearing bugs. The usal fix is to trigger the 3d algorithm which in your case would be on the position:relative element.


  <div style="position: relative;-webkit-transform:translateZ(0)">
        <strong>My parent is relative</strong>

Safari will now show the text.

If you add position:absolute to the svg then safari puts your relatively positioned text clipped inside the svg. It seems a very buggy implementation!!

As an aside veryold versions of Safari would hide all position:relative elements when position:relative was applied to the html element (although I can find no good reason why anyone would do that).

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Awesome! That did the trick. Thanks much.

Is there any other way to force hardware acceleration? This solution fixes the issue with the element not being displayed at all and in turn causes a new one:

In my “real” implementation, have a pseudo-element (created via ::before) that needs to be overlapped by the relatively positioned element. To achieve this, I assign z-index: -1 to the pseudo-element. It works great until I add the -webkit-transform:translateZ(0) at which point the pseudo-element z-index seems to reset causing it to stack on top of the main element.

See it in action:

Looks like i’m going to have to wrap each element in another relatively positioned DIV. Didn’t want to have to change/add extra markup but there does’t seem to be any way manipulate that stacking order once hardware acceleration kicks in.

Yes, unfortunately I think you are stuck with that approach as transformed elements become ‘atomic’ and you cannot get underneath them from within the same context.

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