Remove ALL attributes in jQuery

I can’t seem to find a simple way to do this.

$(‘.section’).removeAllAttr() would be nice.

$(‘.section’).removeAttr() doesn’t work where I thought it might.


<div class="section hello" data-test="123" id="an-id" data-something="abc">

…results in…


It needs to work for any tag as well.

Surely this should be easy but I just can’t do it.

If it’s easier (or quicker for jQuery) then removing all the data- attributes is fine, as I could then do this:


…which would be fine for what I need.


Unfortunately, there’s nothing like $('.section').removeAllAttr()
But, you can do it like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('div').each(function() {
    var attributes = this.attributes;
    var i = attributes.length;
    while( i-- ){

Brilliant, thanks.

The following is a much simpler way of achieving the same result.

$('.section').replaceWith(function () {
    return $('<div>').append($(this).contents());

Or if you want to make it fully generic, so that it uses the same element, you can use this.nodeName instead:

$('.section').replaceWith(function () {
    return $('<' + this.nodeName + '>').append($(this).contents());
