Remove closed topics with 0 replies

When wanting to answer unanswered questions, I sort by replies.

There are TONS of topics with 0 replies that are closed because they are very old. Could you please remove those as since they have no replies, they aren’t relevant to any research.

If you want the zero reply posts order by descending date (so you’ll see the new ones first), try the advanced search (single content type):

Set ‘Find Threads With’ to ‘at most’ 0 replies
Set ‘Sort results by’ to ‘Last posting date’ ‘in descending Order’

Choose the forum(s) you want to see the posts of, and that should do the trick.

no, that’s not right… he ~doesn’t~ want to see old threads with 0 replies

I thought the problem was that when you order the posts in a forum by number of replies, the old ones come up on top. Using the advanced search like I described, you can get the zero reply posts, AND order by descending date, so the new ones will come up on top. When they get too old, you just stop browsing. You could even set the search to return only posts from let’s say the last month? That way you will never even see those old closed threads.

I think that Guido gave at least an option to sort the annoyance but I think that it is a valid point to purge all the old threads with 0 replies.

I support this post!

Ok. We have reached a final decision. We can’t purge them because it is too difficult to know which threads are valid and which aren’t (stickies are closed, have 0 answers and those are definately valid threads) but I have asked the devs to change the query so they will not appear in the results when you click on “unanswered threads”

If they can do that, they can also remove the damn things!

Here here! But then sitepoint wouldn’t have as many threads and wouldn’t look as popular?
Heck, I’ll go through and report them all individually if need be!

Some of these threads are useful and worth to show up in the searches. That’s why we’re not removing them.

They essentially aren’t THREADS because they have no replies. and why would they be considered useful if they have no replies?

I’d love an example of one of these threads. Useful with no replies. Or is it useful to help sitepoint’s SEO?