Remove menus created in Wordpress admin - Appearance-Menus

Hi. I have created some menus in the wordpress appearnce-menus admin section and I would like to delete some. Does anyone know how I can do this?

Its the menus name that I have created. The names that appear in the them locations which you select to go in either the ‘Main Menu’, ‘Footer Links’ or ‘Header Menu’

Hope someone can advise.


Hello there,

You can delete the Menu from your Dashboard… Just Click in appearance ==> Menu => Select the Menu you would like to Remove and click “Delete Menu” wrote in Red.

If you can’t do that or don’t have this Option due to an issue on wordpress you can try the Plugin : Simple Menu Delete


Hi deadmix. Thanks for the reply but I want to delete the actual Menu Title. Have installed the simple menu delete but that only allows me to delete the navigation names.

Hi Meolink. Cannot delete menu names via appearance==>Menu. The menus created do not allow me to delete. Have also installed the Simple Menu Delete plug in and this only allows me to delete the page names not the menu title names. Its driving me mad!

Hello, So if this can’t do the trick so you can try to remove this Menu from the Database! look for nav_menu_item in wp_posts i think for the new version of wordpress !


Cheers deadmix. Will check it out and let you know thanks

Hi deadmix. Have located my nav_menu_items in my wp_posts table. Shall I just drop the entries for each nav_menu_items? Don’t worry if anything goes wrong I wont blame you:-)

Hi guys. Have now rectified my issue. The problem was due to this Once I did this all my menus appeared in my appearance-menus and now can delete them. Hurray. Thanks all for your help

Glad you made it :wink: wish you all success :wink: