Rename my Partition to C:\\ Windows 7

I am stuck on this, everytime I try to change this it says “Invalid Parameter”. I know It is the current active drive so that may be why I can’t rename it. But is there a way to go into Command Prompt and do it or something?

Are you trying to use anything other than letters, numbers and spaces?

Try going to the start menu, click on “computer”, right click on the drive, and click “rename”.

You also have unused space on the drive containing your F-drive. Were you going to do something with it?

You can NOT change the OS drive letter, you will end up facing a reinstall of the system losing everything if you try, the entire drive is mapped to that location, changing it means the maps are lost, and a reinstall the only option, possibly losing data in the process.

You can however change the drive name, simply go into the My Computer, right click on it and select rename, you can then label it as C Drive, even though it will still be the F Drive, but it may make looking at it easier going.

The usual cause of the OS drive not being labelled as the C Drive is down to connected devices while installing, card readers are the most likely cause, it’s always best to remove\disconnect such devices prior to installing, this means the OS partition should then be the C Drive, as to the space on the F Drive, that may be down to the system saving x amount of space for it’s requirements, but with large drives it is probably an idea to reduce the space used by system restore, xp takes 12% by default, Vista takes 15% again by default, Windows 7 restore default is possibly 15% again, based on the Vista system, that can eat drive space on a drive, around 2% or 3% is the suggested size.

Okay thanks. I installed Windows 7 on another partition when I got it to test it out a few months ago, so even my ISO backup I made of my hard drive has the partition! Bummer !!

If I do the windows 7 ISO backup I think it preserves the HD letter :frowning: