Replacing default content with personalized (need help on php to html translation)

I am a novice php coder and I have been trying to figure out how to personalize dumpHTML (a tool in php i use to convert MediaWiki content into html). When i use this tool it places a footer tag at the bottom of every page. I want to replace some of that content with my own personalized one. The problem I am having is i know what html content i want but i do not know how to implement it using php.

This is the original default code:

 <div id="footer">
    <?php if($this->data['poweredbyico']) { ?><div id="f-poweredbyico"><?php $this->html('poweredbyico') ?></div><?php } ?>
	<?php if($this->data['copyrightico']) { ?><div id="f-copyrightico"><?php $this->html('copyrightico') ?></div><?php } ?>
	<ul id="f-list">
	  <?php if($this->data['lastmod'   ]) { ?><li id="f-lastmod"><?php    $this->html('lastmod')    ?></li><?php } ?>
	  <?php if($this->data['numberofwatchingusers' ]) { ?><li id="f-numberofwatchingusers"><?php  $this->html('numberofwatchingusers') ?></li><?php } ?>
	  <?php if($this->data['credits'   ]) { ?><li id="f-credits"><?php    $this->html('credits')    ?></li><?php } ?>
	  <?php if($this->data['copyright' ]) { ?><li id="f-copyright"><?php  $this->html('copyright')  ?></li><?php } ?>
	  <?php if($this->data['about'     ]) { ?><li id="f-about"><?php      $this->html('about')      ?></li><?php } ?>
	  <?php if($this->data['disclaimer']) { ?><li id="f-disclaimer"><?php $this->html('disclaimer') ?></li><?php } ?>
	  <?php if($this->data['tagline']) { ?><li id="f-tagline"><?php echo $this->data['tagline'] ?></li><?php } ?>

I would like to replace this content so that instead it spits out this html code when it translate:

<div class="memitem" id="footer" align=right>
<em>&copy 1993-2014 Company XX.</em>
| Visit Us: <a href=""></a>
| Send Feedback: <a href=""></a>
| See:
<a href="../../../../Terms_of_Use.html">Terms of Use</a>
<a href="../../../../Privacy_policy.html">Privacy Policy</a>

What i have been doing is completely removing the original code and the manually pasting that html code into my pages which sometimes takes a while. I want this process to be automatic.

Thank you so much for the help guys!