Replacing variables?

I’m using a web page script that works well playing streamed files on the player.html page. I’d like to change the existing Player, to a different New Player.

I’m told, regarding this script, all that is needed is to change the html to change the Player. I’ve uploaded a New Player to my web space, and would like to see if changing a few variables in the script will allow the streaming files to play in the newly uploaded Player. I"m told it will work as long as “you pass the filename (and whatever else is expected) to the new player”. Can you help me try to integrate some of the the New Player variables into the existing working script?

Here’s the existing working script using existing Player:

<script type="text/javascript">
		var my_filename	= get_parm('filename');
		var file		= document.getElementById("form_filename");
		file.value 		= my_filename;
		var flashvars = {
		file: my_filename,
		streamer: "rtmp://"
		document.write("<p><a href='index.html?filename="+my_filename+"'>Return To Recorder</a><br><br>");
		swfobject.embedSWF("player.swf", "player", "640", "480", "9", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars);

		function get_parm(name)
			name 		= name.replace(/[\\[]/,"\\\\\\[").replace(/[\\]]/,"\\\\\\]");
			var regexS	= "[\\\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
			var regex	= new RegExp( regexS );
			var results	= regex.exec( window.location.href );
			if( results == null )
				return "";
				return results[1];

Here’s some New Player info:

  width="640" height="360"
	<param name="allowFullscreen" value="true">
	<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">
	<param name="movie" value="JarisFLVPlayer.swf">
	<param name="bgcolor" value="#000000">
	<param name="quality" value="high">
	<param name="scale" value="noscale">
	<param name="wmode" value="opaque">
	<param name="flashvars" value="source=jaris-intro.mp4&type=video&streamtype=file&poster=poster.png&autostart=false&logo=logo.png&logoposition=top left&logoalpha=30&logowidth=130&logolink=">
	<param name="seamlesstabbing" value="false">
	  width="640" height="360"
	  flashvars="source=jaris-intro.mp4&type=video&streamtype=file&poster=poster.png&autostart=false&logo=logo.png&logoposition=top left&logoalpha=30&logowidth=130&logolink="

Additional New Player info is:
Variables that you can pass to the player:

  • source: This is the actual path of the media that is going to be played
  • type: The type of file to play, allowable values are: audio, video.
  • streamtype:The stream type of the file, allowable values are: file, http, rmtp, youtube.

Can you help me add some of the New Player variables to the existing script, please?