Responsive nav..... need position:fixed

I think these, which were pointed out to me by someone on another thread here a few days ago, are very useful…

however, one problem: I tried examples 4, 5, & 6… they all work fine until… I set the nav to position:fixed, which is what I need because I need the nav to stay put when user scrolls down the page… is there a way to make any of these work with position:fixed?

thank you…

I tried a few examples using fixes positions and they all worked fine, do you have an example website/code we can see?

thank you for your response…

here’s one without setting position to fixed…
(i.e., pretty much the the orig example…)

here’s one with the top nav set to position:fixed…

the only difference betw the two is the position setting for the #nav

thank you…

I have not been following this issue, but on the surface it seems that the following code included in either example shown it would fix the menu to the top of the window, if that’s what you want.

#nav {

oh my gosh… this is awesome!! responsive, centered, fluid, fixed…:slight_smile: what more do I want? ;~))

thank you so much…

(do you have IE handy? :wink: could you see if it works in IE please if you do…

thank you so much…

Works in IE8.

My Win7 box is off, so someone else will have to test the modern IE. :slight_smile: