Responsive site displays well in most other phones, EXCEPT Iphones 4 and 5...why?

Could use some help on this…

The site displays fine (vertically) in Android and most other phones, EXCEPT Iphones 4 and 5.

Iphone squeezes the page into the screen rather than resize responsively. I have a responsive layout with media queries in
various break points.

I have been testing in Google’s Developer Emulator and see that Iphone seems think the width is 980px which is not
set like that anywhere in the stylesheet.

site: tali(removethis)ankode(removethis)signgroupdotcom

Maybe some fresh eyes could spot the problem, or maybe someone has had the same problem and has a solution.

I did submit this issue on the CSS forum, but don’t know if it really is a CSS issue or something else…

Any thoughts or hints would be appreciated.


Iphone squeezes the page into the screen rather than resize responsively.

The layout fits the screen nicely on iPhone4S for me. What are you expecting to see? It’s not clear what you mean above.

For more control of the layout on small devices, you can use @media rules. I don’t see any in your main style sheets.

Threads merged :slight_smile:

I’ve just done a quick test using the mac simulator and I can see that the site is not applying the media queries properly and is just scaled to fit as though you had omitted the viewport meta tag.

The problem seems to be connected with the simpleviewer script you have in place and if I remove references to that script then the page reformats properly on the iphone(simulator) . So the first thing to try is just to remove that script and test to see if this really is the cause. If so then you will need to contact the support section of the simpleviewer site as this a paid for product and should be fully supported.

Ralph, the site is redirected to mobile so you can’t easily test on a desktop. You can get a chrome extension that lets you spoof the header and see the mobile code.

Paul, you nailed it, thank you, I did not catch that.

So, I was able to dequeue the simpleviewer script for this mobile theme, and it is now displaying correctly.

The simpleviewer plugin is only for the desktop version of the site which we will eventually evolve away form.

Thank you again.

P.S. sorry for the double post, I wish I could now remove the URL, but only a mod can do that…

As a general rule we don’t remove links but I have de-linked and obfuscated it so it shouldn’t show up in search engines.

Your awesome, thank you again.

Thanks Paul. I can also plug the phone into the computer and view source via Safari. Should have tried that before. :slight_smile: