Retreiving data from a MULTI- SELECT query

Hi everyone.

i am a little confused about this issue. i draft a query in which i used numrous select statements, within the same query; i then join each of the select statements together with a UNION ALL.

I tested the query in the MySQL and it works. the only problem is that i dont know how to extract this information in my loop i.e

while  ($row = mysqli_fetch_array ($general_search, MYSQLI_ASSOC))

it might be easier at this point if i show you what i am referring to;

function workersmessages (  )

             global $dbc;

           select =    " SELECT

                     COUNT( message)AS how_many
                     FROM massages
                     WHERE   (receiver_id = '7')

       union all


                     COUNT( message)AS how_many_sent
                     FROM massages
                     WHERE   ( sender_id = '7')

      union all


                     COUNT( message)AS how_many_unread
                     FROM massages
                     WHERE   (receiver_id = '7')
                     AND     (is_read = 'U')


                         $query = $select  ;
         $result = @mysqli_query ($dbc, $query);

        return  $result;

the above is my MySQL function to retrive the data; below is PHP fuction to retrive the data from the function;

$general_search    = workersmessages ( );

    while  ($row = mysqli_fetch_array ($general_search, MYSQLI_ASSOC))


           $how_many =safe_output(trim( $row['how_many'])) ;


you will note that the mysql query doesn’t switch the column name half way through the query;accordingly the data in the SELECT statements ( after the inital one) do not have names . i therefore dont know how to call them in my loop.

i would really appriciate any advice/reccomendations.

warm regards

Andreea 115

i already showed you how to do it –

my advice to you is stick to one site to ask your questions on