Retrieve data in the database

Hello All, I have build an email form in Flash login/registration area.

What i am trying to do is when a user login to their email and password and have successfully registered, with their login details email, Password etc. How can i get their informatiom (=data) from MySQL database
to check a user’s login/pass against a DB.

Do you need help with the query? Or are you asking how to connect to the database from flash?

Thank you Guido for your response. It’s the latter! Forgive the simplicity of my question, but I’m a complete beginner at this. When a user logs in how can Flash or the Database check the users information?
Thank You

Flash (which runs client side) can’t directly interact with the database (server side).
In your flash script you’ll have to call a server side script (PHP?) passing it the variables it needs. The PHP script will do all the database accessing, reading, writing, etc, and then send the result back to the flash script.

You’d use URLLoader and URLRequest for that:

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Thank You for the links Guido. You been a great help. I now understand more clearly what i need to do.