Return duplicates


I have searched the form for duplicates and while there were many questions asked I am not sure what is the best way to do this.

If I am searching users by a registrant_id, first_name, last_name, prov_state, and postal_code where any three of these fields that match in multiple records are considered duplicates but the registrant_id is unique for each member then do you know the best way to return all of these duplicates?

Many thanks,

there are four ways of choosing three of four

so you will need four different queries, which, luckily, you can UNION

here’s one of them –

  FROM ( SELECT last_name
              , prov_state
              , postal_code 
           FROM daTable
             BY last_name
              , prov_state
              , postal_code 
         HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) AS dupe1
  JOIN daTable AS t
    ON t.last_name   = dupe1.last_name                  
       t.prov_state  = dupe1.prov_state       
       t.postal_code = dupe1.postal_code

having said that, i wonder if you truly are interested in the results of this query – it will return all people named Smith in Oakville

Thanks Rudy,

As I am not deleting these, I guess I could also just do a normal SELECT too :blush:?

	l.lead_id as 'Registrant Number'
	, l.first_name as 'First Name'
	, l.last_name as 'Last Name'
    	, as 'State/Province'
    	, p.postal_code as 'Zip/Postal Code'
    	leads as l
    	JOIN leads2addresses as l2a
    		ON l2a.lead_id = l.lead_id
    	JOIN addresses as a
    		ON a.address_id = l2a.address_id
    	JOIN postal_codes as p
    		ON p.postal_code = a.post_code 
    	JOIN provs_states as pst
    		ON pst.abbreviation = p.state_prov_abbr
    		AND p.postal_code = a.post_code
	l.first_name Like '%Bill%'
       l.last_name Like '%Smi%'
      p.postal_code Like '%L7L%'

[TABLE=“class: grid”]
[TD]Registrant Number[/TD]
[TD]First Name[/TD]
[TD]Last Name[/TD]
[TD]Zip/Postal Code[/TD]


The results of this query will allow the user to click to view the full profile of each lead which has much more info, so your query would be fine.


okay, where did the idea of deleting come from?

and what does this query have to do with finding duplicates based on three of four columns?

Just was saying that your supplied method will work as it does the correct job of selecting (and not deleting) the duplicates… sorry for the lack of clarity.

and what does this query have to do with finding duplicates based on three of four columns?

My client wants to view all records where any three columns that match out of Registrant Number, First Name, Last Name, State/Province, or Zip/Postal Code will be shown as a possible duplicate.

So if in a HTML form they fill in three of the possible fields for matching and duplicates are returned then they can manually choose to delete them.

may i ask why you have to join the address table to the postal code table? what columns do you have in the postal codes table?

also, same question for the states/provinces table – why the join here?


Table addresses
address_id, intended_use, street, apt_unit_number, street_direction, post_code, region
address_id       int(11) PK
intended_use     varchar(150)
street           varchar(150)
apt_unit_number  varchar(10)
street_direction varchar(2)
post_code        varchar(20)
region           varchar(150)

Postal Codes:

Table postal_codes==================
postal_code, city_name, state_prov_abbr, country_iso_code
postal_code      varchar(20) PK
city_name        varchar(64)
state_prov_abbr  char(2)
country_iso_code char(2)

Province and States:

Table provs_states
id, country_id, name, abbreviation
id               smallint(5) unsigned PK
country_id       char(2)
name             varchar(100)
abbreviation     varchar(3)


Table countries===============
country_iso_code, country_name
country_iso_code char(2) PK
country_name     varchar(150)

This is setup this way as a convenience for the client, to find a persons full address they only need to supply the person’s data and their postal code; the joins provide all the other address type data. Yes it is not as efficient as using it in one table, but their application is ‘heavy’ on the requirement to search for people’s addresses so this extra complication (in code) and slower efficiency is warranted.