Returning to web page after viewing link to YouTube

If I use a typical iframe to show YouTube content on a web page on a mobile device, the video will fill the screen with a Back button for easy return to the web page.

But if I use an < a href > link to the YouTube video page, the device’s browser opens and displays the YouTube page. There’s no quick way back to the web page.

Is an iframe the only way to get the Back button from a YouTube video in a mobile context?

Purpose: I want to cut down the bandwidth time for a page containing several videos.

Not quite sure what you mean by that. Can you explain?

I’m assuming that showing a list of links to the YouTube video page for each video takes less bandwidth/load time than displaying iframes of all the videos.

Ah, right. Seems to me the iframe option is the lesser of the two evils, though, given the device behavior.

At this point it is the only option. If I find anything better, I’ll post it here for others.