
Hi, I wrote 3 reviews as asked to be able to write about my own site, but I’m still not able to post a thread in the reviewing forum.

What more do I need to do? The forum moderator doesn’t seem to want to reply.

Hi Yesukhei, I have checked your post history and you have reviewed 1 site, done 1 content review and 1 element review - which wasnt long enough!

The rules for the review forum are that you review 3 items in the area you will be posting in and make the reviews constructive and meaningful. Single sentences will not pass the auto post check which is why your thread was rejected.

Do 3 proper site reviews and see if you can post again, PM me if you have difficulties.

Who did you PM btw?


Ok. One other thing, the rules say “Do NOT apply tags to your thread. Applied tags will be removed.”, but almost all threads use the tag.

I PMed Varelse

Actually it’s not worth it. Your user’s opinions aren’t that valuable to me :wink:

Like Spike says, you need to have the three reviews in the same area. If you want a website review, you need to do three reviews in the website review forum. It’s simply the method we’ve been using for years to ensure that people aren’t just taking, they give something to the forums as well.

As for the tagging, that’s talking about the tags at the bottom of the thread (the kind that would make a tag cloud for people to click on), not bbcode in a post. It was being abused pretty heavily when the option first came online.

I can see why it would be confusing, but the announcement is simply who originally made the post, but it doesn’t mean he’s currently on the team. Varelse was team leader at the time that announcment was originally done, but if you look at the actual announcment, you’ll find he’s not in that role anymore. You’d need to contact either Paul or one of the Advisors (though they’ll give you the same answer I did above)

Sorry you feel that way. I’ve seen quite a bit of quality feedback over the years from those forums, and it would be a shame to miss feedback from those not within your circle, and/or outside your immediate target audience - it could be the difference between keeping a visitor and losing one.