Ruby Resources

I expect the usefulness of this link to be short-lived, but likely just what someone going from rails 2 to 3 might want to check out.

I cannot vouch for awesomeness here… I don’t do Ruby.

The What’s Ruby? page at the official site might be helpful to you, afgmail.

In the same way you can use any text editor as an an editor for Ruby, yes.

There are some details about adding Ruby sytax highlighting to Dreamweaver, but it seems from the comments on that page those instruction may not work with DW2004.

The best Ruby on Rails tutorial: why’s (poignant) guide to ruby :: 1. About this Book should be added to this list. It’s a great resource for learning Ruby.

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Great tutorial to use cache techniques

Ryan Bates also published a revised rail cast on cache modeling:

Thanks, that’s a good resource.

There’s good info in the guides too, Rails 4 is just around the corner and has done a lot to improve caching.

Caching views does provide some hurdles though, e.g. you can’t render timestamps like “5 minutes ago” or put conditional rendering like <% if admin %>secret sauce<% end %>. It certainly has a place but I haven’t used it extensively in production though.

Adding a few more Ruby/Rails related resources:

  • TryRuby - a popular & fun Ruby tutorial inside your browser
  • Ruby Warrior - similar to TryRuby, but for a little more advanced Ruby programmers, a nice game where you have to code your warriors’ steps in Ruby in order to win
  • CodeSchool - Ruby path - a set of tutorials (some behind a pay wall, some free)
  • Code Academy - Ruby track - similar as above
  • RubyKoans - free Ruby lessons
  • Ruby Monk - free, interactive tutorials to help you discover Ruby idioms, in your browser