
i have small problem with this function
why is msg row always empty ???
I’ve tried everything, but nothing works please somebody help

id		id_user        allianz     	date       		msg
Multihunter	0	      1     	 	135744706	
function add_data($data) {
		global $session,$database;

		$data = explode("|",$data);
		$name = $session->username;
		$msg = htmlspecialchars($data[1]);
		$id_user = $session->uid;
		$alliance = $session->alliance;
		$now = time();
			$q = "INSERT into ".TB_PREFIX."chat (id_user,name,alli,date,msg) values ('$id_user','$name','$alliance','$now','$msg')";
			mysql_query($q, $database->connection);
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php sajax_show_javascript();?>
function show_data_cb(text) { document.getElementById("masnun").innerHTML = text; }
	function start_it() { x_get_data(show_data_cb); setTimeout("start_it()",1000); }
	function add_cb() {}
	function send_data() {
	msg = document.form1.msg.value;
	x_add_data(name +"|"+msg,add_cb);