Same template, different content (think WP single.php) with angular.js


I’m trying to do a simple portfolio site using angular.js, to get some basic understanding about the framework.

It’s all going well but there is one thing I cannot figure out.

If I have one template for example “single-work.html”, that I want to use for the single project view, how do I open this with the correct content depending on what portfolio item you click?

I have a grid with the projects, shown with ng-repeat and info from an array in the controller.

Now when I click one of the grid-items i want to open the single page view (single-work.html) with the correct content. How Can I do this?

My grid looks like this:

<div class="row">
	<div class="small-12 medium-6 columns" ng-repeat="project in projects">
		<a ui-sref="Open single-work.html with correct content" class="project bg-img" style="background-image: url({{ project.cover }});">
			<div class="project-inner">
				<div class="table">
					<div class="table-cell">
						<h2>{{ project.title }}</h2>
						<h3>{{ project.desc }}</h3>

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