scrollIntoView possible onload?

Is it possible to use scrollIntoView onload? I know how to use it onclick, but I can not find out how to use it onload. Is it possible? And if it is, what would be the correct syntax?

function showIt(elID)
var el = document.getElementById(elID);

<input type=“button” value=“Show para” onclick=“showIt(‘pToShow’);” />

I need to use it inside form action which doesn’t work in ie8. Also I need to use this if user came to site from other site as first visit.

An easier way (non-javascript too) would just to put a hash in your url.

<a href="">This link will scroll page to elID</a>

elID of course being the id of the element that you want your page to automatically scroll to.

Use the onload event of the body:

function showIt(elID)
var el = document.getElementById(elID);
<body onload=“showIt (‘pToShow’)”>

In case of form submit, use the onsubmit event.
I think the following links will help you: