Search by using multiple joins

The below are my tables with some rows as example and the search query. I am not sure if this is a correct solution, please could you just take a look and tell me if I should do anything in another way. I believe this can be a good example also for somebody else.

| userId | fullName |
| 4 | Nick Piterson |
| 4 | Nick Piterson |
| 55 | Mark Piterson |

| userId | categoryId |
| 4 | 3 |
| 4 | 2 |

| categoryId | english |
| 3 | marketing |
| 2 | marketing |

| userId | offering |
| 4 | 3 |
| 4 | 2 |

| userId | tags |
| 4 | marketing, consulting, freelancer |
| 4 | social marketing, article writing, business travelling |

| userId | package |
| 4 | 3 |
| 4 | 2 |

SELECT DISTINCT users.userId, users.fullName
FROM users
INNER JOIN offering ON users.userId=offering.userId
INNER JOIN user_tags ON users.userId=user_tags.userId
(INNER JOIN user_categories ON users.userId=user_categories.userId
INNER JOIN user_categories ON user_categories.categoryId=categories_list.categoryId)
INNER JOIN promotion_package.userId=users.userId
WHERE MATCH(users.fullName, user_tags.userTags,categories_list.english) AGAINST (‘$searchTerm’ IN BOOLEAN MODE)
AND offering.offering=‘$offering’
ORDER BY promotion_package.package

Thanks a lot!

if they are all INNER JOINs, no

with outer joins, it might

I have one similar question. Does it make any difference if I change the order of joins or is it exactly the same? When I make join, the next join will already consider all previous joins?

I guess something went wrong when you copy&pasted that query? A part of one of the joins is missing :slight_smile:

And of course, this query only consideres users that have data in all the tables you join. Could be correct, I don’t know, it depends on your database structure.