Search result pagination return all result when next is clicked

Hi all,
I’am trying to build a basic search but am getting a small code issue here, i want to paginate my searched result set and this is what i have 1) an input field named “input”, a and within a form of post method 2) when user submits the form it calls search.php with the follow code bellow.
The problem

the pagination returns a properly paginated result set but when i move to next page all records in the search table are returned including those that do not meet the criteria in the where clause.

Here is the code:
Thanks guys

$input = $_POST['input'];
$categories = $_POST['category'];
$state = $_POST['state'];

$targetpage = "search.php";
$limit = 3;

//This query checks for data
$qq = " SELECT * FROM classified where confirm='0' ";
$qq = $db->prepare($qq);

$total_pages =$qq->rowCount();

$stages = 3;
$page = ($_GET['page']);
$start = ($page - 1) * $limit;
$start = 0;

$rows = $qq->fetchAll();
if ($rows > 0){
$q = " SELECT * FROM classified where confirm='0' ";
if(!empty( $input)) {
$q .= "AND title LIKE '%".$input."%' ";
if (!empty($_POST['search_category']) )
$q .= "AND id_cat = ".$categories." ";

if (!empty($_POST['state']) )
$q .= "AND id_state = ".$state." ";
$q .= "ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT $start, $limit ";
$q = $db->prepare($q);
//// Just for testing purposes to see what's coming out

/*** echo number of columns ***/
$resultt = $q->fetchAll();
// Initial page num setup
if ($page == 0){$page = 1;}
$prev = $page - 1;
$next = $page + 1;

$lastpage = ceil($total_pages/$limit);
$LastPagem1 = $lastpage - 1;

$paginate = '';
if($lastpage > 1)
    $paginate .= "<div class='paginate'>";
    // Previous
    if ($page > 1){
        $paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$prev'>Previous</a>";
        $paginate.= "<span class='disabled'>Previous</span>";   }

        // Pages
if ($lastpage < 7 + ($stages * 2))  // Not enough pages to breaking it up
        for ($counter = 1; $counter <= $lastpage; $counter++)
if ($counter == $page){
$paginate.= "<span  class='current'>$counter</span>";
$paginate.= "<a

    elseif($lastpage > 5 + ($stages * 2))   // Enough pages to hide a few?
        // Beginning only hide later pages
        if($page < 1 + ($stages * 2))
for ($counter = 1; $counter < 4 + ($stages * 2); $counter++)
if ($counter == $page){
$paginate.= "<span class='current'>$counter</span>";
$paginate.= "<a

            $paginate.= "...";
            $paginate.= "<a

            $paginate.= "<a

        // Middle hide some front and some back
        elseif($lastpage - ($stages * 2) > $page && $page > ($stages * 2))
$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=1'>1</a>";
$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=2'>2</a>";
$paginate.= "...";
for ($counter = $page - $stages; $counter <= $page + $stages; $counter++)
if ($counter == $page){
$paginate.= "<span class='current'>$counter</span>";
$paginate.= "<a

$paginate.= "...";
$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$LastPagem1'>$LastPagem1</a>";
$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$lastpage'>$lastpage</a>";
// End only hide early pages
$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=1'>1</a>";
$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=2'>2</a>";
$paginate.= "...";
for ($counter = $lastpage - (2 + ($stages * 2)); $counter <= $lastpage; $counter++)
if ($counter == $page){
$paginate.= "<span class='current'>$counter</span>";
    $paginate.= "<a
// Next
if ($page < $counter - 1){
$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$next'>Next</a>";
$paginate.= "<span class='disabled'>Next</span>";
$paginate.= "</div>";

    // pagination
    echo $total_pages.' Results';
    echo $paginate;
   if (count($resultt) !== 0) {
   foreach($resultt as $row) {

   echo  $row['title'];
   echo  $row['categories'];
   echo  $row['state'];

echo "No data available";

As you are seemingly building an SQL query string partly dependent upon values in a GET string request your first port of call should be to carefully review the output of :


after pressing your next link … and then follow those variables through your script till you find the culprit.

You need to learn how to do this kind of debugging yourself before posting reams of code, it will be faster in the long run.

Thank you, but I’m really lost here


Just briefly glancing at the code, my first response is “You’re building your WHERE clause based on POST results - but when a user clicks on a link, there are no POST results anymore.”