Search-results.php problem: I< < Page of 9 > >I Displaying 0 to 0 (of 50 Profiles)

When is click to see the next page, i get a blanck page. Nothing is showing.
I think the problem is in:

$search_query .=” and is_completed=’Yes’ and (status=’status2’ or status=’status3’) ORDER BY member.age ASC ”; //echo ( $search_query); define(‘TEXT_DISPLAY’, ‘Displaying %d to %d (of %d Profiles)’);

Any help to solved this please!

The search-results.php where i think the problem is.

/* File Name : search-results.php
* Description : search-results page will show profile search result.
* Author :
* Date Modified : July 2012
* Version : 1.0

error_reporting( 0 );


$gender = cleanInput($_GET['gender']);
$looking_for = cleanInput($_GET['gendersearch']);
$age_from = cleanInput($_GET['agestart']);
$age_to = cleanInput($_GET['ageend']);
$area = cleanInput($_GET['area_list']);

if( isset( $_GET['profile_keyword'] ))
if( strstr( $_GET['profile_keyword'], '<' ) || strstr( $_GET['profile_keyword'], '>' ))

$profile_keyword = cleanInput( $_GET['profile_keyword'] );

if( is_array( $gender )
|| is_array( $looking_for )
|| is_array( $age_from )
|| is_array( $age_to )
|| is_array( $area )
|| is_array( $profile_keyword )
|| !is_numeric( $age_from )
|| !is_numeric( $age_to ))

if( $gender != 'male' && $gender != 'female' )

if( $looking_for != 'male' && $looking_for != 'female' )

if ($_GET['page']>0){
$gender	 = cleanInput($_SESSION['gender']);
$looking_for = cleanInput($_SESSION['looking_for']);
$age_from	 = cleanInput($_SESSION['age_from']);
$age_to	 = cleanInput($_SESSION['age_to']);
$area	 = cleanInput($_SESSION['area']);
$profile_keyword = cleanInput($_SESSION['profile_keyword']);
}else {
$_SESSION['gender']	 = $gender;
$_SESSION['looking_for'] = $looking_for;
$_SESSION['age_from']	 = $age_from;
$_SESSION['age_to']	 = $age_to;
$_SESSION['area'] = $area;
$_SESSION['profile_keyword'] = $profile_keyword;


$search_query = "SELECT * from member,member_info where ";

//------------ seaching gender ----------------//
if ($looking_for=="male" ){
$search_query .=" sex = 'Male' and ";
}else if ($looking_for=="female") {
$search_query .=" sex = 'Female' and ";
}else {
//search any male or female

//------------ seaching for specified age ----------------//
if ($age_to!="" and $age_from!="" ){
$search_query .=" age>=".$age_from ." and age<=".$age_to." and ";

//------------ seaching for specific area ----------------//
if ($area !="empty" ){
$search_query .=" member_info.area ='".$area ."' and ";

if ($_SESSION['profile_type']=="member" or $_SESSION['profile_type']=="friend" ){ //hiding the current profile and friend's profiles
$search_query .=" !=".cleanInput($_SESSION['memberid'])." and ";	

//------------ seaching for specified profile description ----------------//
if ($profile_keyword!="" ){
$search_query .=" ( member_description like '%".$profile_keyword ."%' or firstname like '%".$profile_keyword ."%' or surname like '%".$profile_keyword ."%') and ";

$search_query .=" and is_completed='Yes' and (status='status2' or status='status3') ORDER BY member.age ASC";
//echo ( $search_query);
define('TEXT_DISPLAY', 'Displaying <b>%d</b> to <b>%d</b> (of <b>%d</b> Profiles)');
$manufacturers_split = new splitPageResults(cleanInput($_GET['page']), $search_query, $manufacturers_query_numrows,6);
$search_qs = db_query($search_query);
$search_count = db_getcount($search_qs);


Dit is dan een deel van search-results.html bestand: (wat volgensmij het belangsrijkste is om hier te vermelden)

<!-- End SML BOX -->


} ?>
<? if($search_count==0) { ?>

<div style="height:60px;width:650px;border:3px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:20px 20px 20px 20px;"><p style="margin:20px 0 0 75px; font-weight:bold; font-size:17px; color:#F598A3">Sorry! There are currently no results for this particular search.</p></div>
<? } ?>

<? if($search_count > 0) { ?>
<!-- Pagination code-->

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" class="resultstbl" style="width:620px;" >
<tr><td align="right" class="resultsHdrtxt"><?=$manufacturers_split->display_links_frontend($manufacturers_query_numrows, $_GET['page'],6,""); ?></td></tr>

<tr><td align="right" class="resultsHdrtxt" colspan="2"><?=$manufacturers_split->display_count($manufacturers_query_numrows, $_GET['page'],TEXT_DISPLAY,6); ?></td></tr>

<? } ?>


<!-- End CONTAINER -->

This is the part off the search-results.html file.

                <!-- End SML BOX  -->


              } ?>
                 <? if($search_count==0) { ?>

              <div style="height:60px;width:650px;border:3px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:20px 20px 20px 20px;"><p style="margin:20px 0 0 75px; font-weight:bold; font-size:17px; color:#F598A3">Sorry! There are currently no results for this particular search.</p></div>
             <? } ?>

              <? if($search_count > 0) { ?>
              <!-- Pagination code-->

                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" class="resultstbl" style="width:620px;" >
                   <tr><td align="right" class="resultsHdrtxt"><?=$manufacturers_split->display_links_frontend($manufacturers_query_numrows, $_GET['page'],6,""); ?></td></tr>

                  <tr><td  align="right" class="resultsHdrtxt" colspan="2"><?=$manufacturers_split->display_count($manufacturers_query_numrows,  $_GET['page'],TEXT_DISPLAY,6); ?></td></tr>

             <? } ?>

		<!-- End WIDE RIGHT COLUMN -->
	<!-- End CONTAINER -->

How many rows do you display per page?
Maybe your algorithm in this display_links_frontend() method is flawed?