Searching a table with array containing the information to searc


i have the following script that queries the table for a record count with a specific id:

	{	$stmtS = $DBH->query("SELECT count(*) as counted
               	FROM tbl_table1
		        WHERE category = $catID and status = 1");
	  $recordCount = $stmtS->fetchColumn();				
	} catch(PDOException $e) { echo 'display error 1: ' . $e->getMessage(); }	

I need to query the table for a record count with multiple ids. so my question is,
how do i query without using multiple “ORs” in a mysql statement. looking at the example
above, is there a way to replace $catID with an array containing the catids to search?

example array:

[0] => 141
[1] => 142
[2] => 143
[3] => 144
[4] => 145
[5] => 146
[6] => 147
[7] => 148
[8] => 149
[9] => 150
[10] => 151
[11] => 152

WHERE category IN ( 141, 142, 143, 144, ... ) AND status = 1