Sections on WordPress

Soooo I was an absolutely idiot and lied at work about knowing how to use WordPress. To be fair I’m not COMPLETELY new to using WordPress, but I don’t feel confident enough to go into our official website and create a brand new page. Instead of messing it all up, I figured I would check on a forum if I’m way off. And also some help with coding the page I need to create.

What I need to do is create a new page on the website that features the staff. So I would have to code like different sections down-along the page, each with a photo of the staff member and a short description of what they do and who they are next to the photo.

… how do I code this? And also, if someone could quickly go over the ‘creating a new page’ process that’d be really, really kind :3

You can do this usually the WYSWYG editor in the WordPress Admin Panel. Just login, click Add New Page and then use the editor to place the content with how you see fit.

You have two options:

  1. Create a static page, read more here:
  2. (More technical) Create a custom post type for the staff, read more here:

It might not be the best idea to start working on the codex if you’re a WordPress newbie.

I would suggest you download a ready-made theme and what you want by manipulating the pages and layouts etc. using it’s templates. I would also look at some WordPress tutorials. Checkout these awesome video’s which might be help, It contains video’s on adding pages/posts etc.

Apart from that I wish you the best of luck achieving what you want to achieve.

You surely can do this only by WYSWYG editor, you don’t need to write any code. Use a created template, add a page to it and insert/edit pictures and text the way you want them to look (you could use some table editing plugins for easier creation of layout, if there are lots of staff and pictures).

How to stop spam comments of a wordpress site? Please help.

In future open a new thread.

To answer your question there are many ways to stop spam. One of the best ways to prevent SPAM is to use something like My best method is to prevent all comments on my posts. This way I never get SPAM. I think Akismet will help you.