Select AVG sale price of all items carried in 'A' when sales location <> 'A'

I am having a hard time getting this to work right. Maybe you have a answer…

I have several stores with a different set of items in each store, and all items are in at least two stores.

–I want to find the average sale price of all items carried in ‘store A’ when the sales location was another store and the date was in a certain range…so store <> ‘store A’ AND date BETWEEN ‘2013-xx-xx’ AND ‘2013-xx-xx’…

I have tried several things but mostly looking similar to this:

–Select avg(sales price) FROM (SELECT * from sales where store <> ‘store A’ AND date BETWEEN ‘2013-xx-xx’ AND ‘2013-xx-xx’) AS sales WHERE item IN (SELECT item from sales where store = ‘store A’);

The goal is to compare average sales at store A with average sales of like items in different locations. I want to run for 30 stores to compare each location. Can anybody see a better way of getting my desired results. I feel like I might be taking the long road