Select Menu Item-Open Page with Link

I’m getting ready to start adding pages to my site. Whew . . .

Many pages will use the same css page to format an exterior search page that will open up inside my cdcmapsearch.html page which is formatted by mapsearch.css

So, I select a menu item, lets say cdc map search . . .

I wish this action to go to the cdcmapsearch.html page and automatically open a link within the format parameteres of the mapsearch.css page, which will format all of my search pages.

I’m not sure how to do this.

Thanks. Rick

Sorry, Rick; I can’t quite follow that. It’s not quite clear what you are describing. You can use one style sheet for all your pages.

I’m sorry Ralph . . . I get so stressed out over this at times I can’t explain myself well.

What I’m trying to do is this.

I need to open a .html page from a menu selection (button, etc.) that has a link to a css page with this . . .

#outer		{width:90%;

Inside this <div id=“outer”> I wish to open another URL contained inside the #outer . . . .

No this doesn’t explain it well either.

Basically I wish to open this link and contain it’s size within the .html page via an external stylesheet.


How do I do that?

Thanks . . . Rick

You can’t. CSS can’t be used to open links elsewhere. If you want one page to be embedded into another one, you can use and iframe. It will still be two seperate pages, though, and it does have certain accessibility issues.

This almost of works.

The background image shows normally and a grey rectangle is visible denoting the <div id=”outer”> area where the inner content page should be showing…

But the search page itself href=”http: url. . . . . does not show.

Ive checked the link and it works when I paste it into the address bar of Google.

Also very important! Should I use a back button to return to the prior page? WHERE – and how do I place the button? I can’t place within the content of the iframe. Where?


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="orange county real estate, local broker, local real estate broker, local agent, local real estate agent, orange county real estate broker, orange county real estate agent." />
<title>Coto de Caza Real Estate Real Estate MAP Search</title> 
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/mapsearch.css" media="screen,projection,tv"/>


<div id="outer">
  <iframe src="html_intro.asp" width="100%" height="900"> <a href="<Search><OrgId>CARETS</OrgId><NELat>33.63677464910795</NELat><NELong>-117.484188079834</NELong><SWLat>33.55069420606524</SWLat><SWLong>-117.648983001709</SWLong><LocationType>city</LocationType><MidLat>33.5937344275866</MidLat><MidLong>-117.566585540771</MidLong><Zoom>13</Zoom><SearchType>1</SearchType><PolygonType>city</PolygonType><LocationType>city</LocationType><Location>Coto%20De%20Caza,%20CA%20(City)</Location><Status>A,B</Status><oper_in_misearch_features_2>OR</oper_in_misearch_features_2><oper_in_misearch_features_3>OR</oper_in_misearch_features_3><RESPropertyType>SFR</RESPropertyType><Features></Features></Search>" title="cdcmapsearch" >Search Coto de Caza homes</a> </iframe></div>



@charset "utf-8";
/* CSS MAP Search Document */

html, body	{color:#000;
			 background-image: url(../images/blinds1.png);

#outer	{width:80%;

.floated_element {float:right;
		  width: 960%;
		  display: inline; /*--IE6 workaround--*/

#p	          {font-family:"Trebuchet MS"; font-size:10px;


Oh . . . I get this error on the html page:

"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

What you can try:
Diagnose Connection Problems"

I can’t detect any connections.


The src attribute is where you put the link to the page you want to appear in the iframe. For example, if you have a page called index.html, and you want that to include a page called iframed.html, this is the code you place in the index.html file:

<iframe src="iframed.html"></iframe>

Note, that index.html and iframed.html are completely independant files, and have to be treated as such in terms of document structure and styling.

I’m not quite sure what you mean with a back button. Back buttons are build into all browsers, and doesn’t have to be added. Could you elaborate a bit on what you mean?

Thanks Ankerstjerne

I don’t quite get it.

I have cdcsearch.html (the html code I showed in my post.)
I have mapsearch.css (the css code I showed in my post.)

there will be about 26 xxxsearch.html pages all using the one mapsearch.css layout.

I need to open cdcsearch and have the iframe search link within the cdcsearch.html page.

This is what I tried . . .

<div id="outer">

<iframe src="cdcsearch.html" width="100%" height="900"> <a href="<Search><OrgId>CARETS</OrgId><NELat>33.63677464910795</NELat><NELong>-117.484188079834</NELong><SWLat>33.55069420606524</SWLat><SWLong>-117.648983001709</SWLong><LocationType>city</LocationType><MidLat>33.5937344275866</MidLat><MidLong>-117.566585540771</MidLong><Zoom>13</Zoom><SearchType>1</SearchType><PolygonType>city</PolygonType><LocationType>city</LocationType><Location>Coto%20De%20Caza,%20CA%20(City)</Location><Status>A</Status><oper_in_misearch_features_2>OR</oper_in_misearch_features_2><oper_in_misearch_features_3>OR</oper_in_misearch_features_3><RESPropertyType>SFR</RESPropertyType><Features></Features></Search>" title="cdcmapsearch" >Search Coto de Caza homes</a> </iframe></div>

but it just shows the retangular area in gray as before.

Does this code go into the cdcsearch.html page? That’s where I have it now but it doesn’t seem right.

Thanks . . . Rick

Ok . . . I got it.

It was a matter of one " being out of place!

So much to look for but no where to tell you what syntax should goes where.



I’m still not sure what you’re actually trying to do. Can you post a constructed screenshot of how you want it to look?

Edit: Glad you got it now. Please write back if this continues to give you problems.

Well it works perfectly so now.

I need to upload the pages to my server and see how it works there.

If it’s ok I’ll be making lots of map search pages.

I’ll let you know after I test on the server.

Thanks much!


You’re welcome :slight_smile: