Selective Update Using PHP PDO

Please help me check this too. It works fine if I upload image but if I omit image, it doesn’t work and show me this error message: Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Filename cannot be empty in… What could be wrong?

if (isset($_POST['button']) && $_POST['button'] == 'add')
    // Bail out if the file isn't really an upload
    if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['logo']['tmp_name']))
    $error[] = 'There was no file uploaded!';
    $uploadfile = filter_var($_FILES['logo']['tmp_name'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    $uploadname = filter_var($_FILES['logo']['name'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    $uploadtype = filter_var($_FILES['logo']['type'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    $uploadsize = filter_var($_FILES['logo']['size'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    $uploaddata = file_get_contents($uploadfile);
    $maxsize = 102400;
    if($uploadsize > $maxsize) {
        $error[] = "The file you're trying to upload is bigger than approved 1 MB."; 
  if(empty($missing) && empty($error))

$conn = DatabaseManager::getConnection();
$sql = "INSERT INTO jobseekers (website, filename, mimetype, filedata, userName)  
    VALUES (:website, :filename, :mimetype, :filedata, :userName)";

$s = $conn->prepare($sql);
$s->bindValue(':website', $website);
$s->bindValue(':filename', $uploadname);
$s->bindValue(':mimetype', $uploadtype);
$s->bindValue(':filedata', $uploaddata);
$s->bindValue(':username', $username);

$conn = null;
catch (PDOException $e)
$error[] = 'There is a problem, Please try again later.';

if($s->rowCount() == 1)
   $formProcessed = true;
     $error[] = "Unable to add new job application to the database.";


if ($formProcessed) {
     $_SESSION['success'] = 'The info has been successfully added to the database.';
     header('Location: ../status/');