Serialize and deserialize complex json

how to map the JSON to a complex object, for example, an Employee object has a Company field , how to serialize and deserialize json to form field ?


{id:'1234', name:'john', company:{name:'ABC', type:'Retail'}}

<input name="id" type="input" />
<input name="name" type="input" />
<input name="" type="input" />
<input name="company.type" type="input" />

Not sure how much sense this makes, but you could do:

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My serialize</title>
      <input name="id" type="input" /> 
      <input name="name" type="input" /> 
      <input name="company_name" type="input" />
      <input name="company_type" type="input" />

      function mySerialize(json, prependText){
        var keys = Object.keys(json);

        for (var i=0; i<keys.length; i++){
          if(typeof json[keys[i]] === 'object'){
            mySerialize(json[keys[i]], 'company_');
          } else {
            field = prependText + keys[i];
            document.forms[0][field].value = json[keys[i]];

      var details = {id:'1234', name:'john', company:{name:'ABC', type:'Retail'}};
      mySerialize(details, '');

Just a quick HTML observation. I’d probably use form fieldsets to keep with the JSON structure.

  <input name="id" type="input" />
  <input name="name" type="input" />
  <filedset name="company">
    <input name="id" type="input" />
    <input name="type" type="input" />