Setting time format

I’m trying to get the time and date in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP) but whenever I try it just returns NULL. I’ve got a form that somebody fills out, when submitted it’s supposed to send the results using REST API

This form is:

  $FORM[$formid]['submit']="Add SMS";
  $FORM[$formid]['field']['date']['elements']=array( "day","month","year" );
  $FORM[$formid]['field']['time']['label']="Time (24hr)";
  $FORM[$formid]['field']['time']['elements']=array( "hour","minute","second" );

After submitting the form this is what happens:

    $date=mktime( 2,0,0,$_POST['month'],$_POST['day'],$_POST['year'] );
    $time=time( 2,0,0,$_POST['hour'],$_POST['minute'] );


    $MessageBird = new \MessageBird\Client('ACCESS_KEY');

    $Message = new \MessageBird\Objects\Message();
    $Message->originator = 'MessageBird';
    $Message->recipients = array(447551159632);
    $Message->scheduledDatetime = date_timestamp_set($date,RFC3339);
    $Message->body = $_POST['message']." Opt out: STOP to 8888";


try {
    $MessageResult = $MessageBird->messages->create($Message);

The results from the var_dump are:

date_timestamp_set is an alias of DateTime::setTimestamp, which in procedural style takes two parameters: a DateTime Object as Parameter 0, and an Integer as Parameter 1. You are feeding it an Integer as Parameter 0, and a non-declared literal (which will get assumed as String) as parameter 1.

Sorry to be dumb but I don’t understand what you mean? Is it not possible to do it the way I’ve done it?

You’re giving it the wrong parameters.

If what you want is a string representation of the timestamp you’re creating, you should be looking at the [fphp]date[/fphp] function instead.

Thanks, so how would I go about doing that? Sorry I’m very new to PHP

does $Message->scheduledDatetime accept a DateTime object? because that’s what date_timestamp_set() returns. otherwise you’ll need DateTime::format() or date_format().


Assuming you fix it to create $date properly as a datetime then the following is how your assignment should read:

$Message->scheduledDatetime = $date->format(DATE_RFC3339);

Thanks guys, I’ll change the format.

It’s probably not the best way of doing it but I changed it to this:

$Message->scheduledDatetime = $_POST['year']."-".$_POST['month']."-".$_POST['day']."T".$_POST['hour'].":".$_POST['minute'].":39+00:00";

definitely not.

That way allows anyone to set the field to almost anything.

For example (since you don’t validate any of the inputs before using them):

rubarb-custard-mustardTcar:bike:cart:smith:jones:database delete call:39+00:00

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It’s definately boat past car, your watch must be slow felgall. :laughing:

But yes. What you’re doing can be greatly mis-used without validation. (EX: All of the fields you list should be Integers.)

I didn’t realise that, I’ll change them, thanks

Honestly your code is very messy and should be refactored/redesigned. 4-5 dimensional arrays are code smells are definitely aint good programming practices. I am not sure who wrote the initial program, but clearly some work needs to be done with the codebase.