Setting var in jQuery function


Im working with Javascript for the first time and am having a problem setting a javascript var on a jQuery onclick function. Can anyone see why the var in document.write(num_cow); is not being set?


<script>var num_cow;

<div class="green_button_1_class_1 ">ADD TO YOUR FARM</div>


$(document).ready(function() {

$('.green_button_1_class_1').click(function() {
			// increment the Cow variable
			num_cow = num_cow + 1;
    		return false;

Yes, you are writing the num_cow variable to the page on page load, at the time of page load, num_cow is undefined (your top line), it isn’t truly defined until the div is clicked.

Instead you likely want to do this

 <script>var num_cow = 0;</script>

<div class="green_button_1_class_1 ">ADD TO YOUR FARM</div>
<div id="itemsForFarm"></div>

$(document).ready(function() {
     $('.green_button_1_class_1').click(function() {
            // increment the Cow variable
            num_cow = num_cow + 1;
            return false;

Brilliant! That’s sorted it.