Shifting Career Path

Currently, I am a Web Developer working with php/mysql. Mostly I build WordPress sites that are fully customized.
While I do a very air-tight job with the work I do, I would evaluate my skills as lower-middle. For example, I can do the regular Javascript tasks elegantly (validation, slideshows, light boxes) but have little experience with heavier applications. With back end work, I am competent at regular tasks involved in standard Websites, I don’t have the skill or experience to do hardcore development.

I’m more interested in leaning toward the the softer side of the Web, marketing, UI, product development, architecture, etc… , but I have little experience in these areas. I’m reluctant to spend the money on a Masters degree to start out at the bottom of a new field. Does anyone have any thoughts as to how to shift careers?

Thank you E

Personally, I wouldn’t bother with the masters degree. In this field, what you learn in school and what you do in real life are two very different things.

Probably your best bet is to find someone in your workplace who already does the job you want to shift to. Talk to them. Shadow them. Learn how their work is done. Offer to cover their workload when they’re out of the office. Things like that. Once you feel comfortable that you can do their job, talk to your boss and ask if you can officially be assigned a task in that new role.

Thank you for these thoughts.

bro make the sites that you things thats is the best


I have shifted careers for 5 years. You’ll be confuse and terrified at first. In my case, I was afraid that I’ll be left behind by y colleagues. But then one day, I told myself this is what I want to do. I gave myself 2 months to see if I’d be successful in shifting careers, after one month I got a job. I am on the health field shifting to online marketing field. Up until now, I still work online and I’m happy with my work. :slight_smile:

According to me I wont make a complete move from my present career… why dont you choose your master in some relation to your existing field…

Do you currently work in a WP intense environment where there is little opportunity to work with any other platforms or medium – large scale projects/applications? If so I would say your first step is to get out and find something that is more suitable to building and/or managing web applications than creating one off WP sites. On the other hand, if there is possibilities to work on other projects I would start by brining that to the attention of your manager. Most managers can’t read minds but are pretty open and want to see employees interested in new things. Surely your skills could be leveraged to do something outside of WP. Though I guess your manager and environment will dictate that not to mention the type of work available. If that doesn’t yield a desirable answer than I would say start looking around for a new opportunity. I started out in this industry a graphic design intern from there went to front-end engineer and now after 5 years am a senior software developer without any additional school education. So it is possible though you really need to have courage or pressure to move on. Not to mention the drive and capacity to learn stuff on your own in the down time. In some cases moving on is really the best thing you can do to move forward. Though that has to be balanced with financial risk and social consequences. It can be hard…