Shortening a Multidimentional Array?

Hey guys, so when i use fetch_assoc() to get stuff from the database it returns as a multidimentional array and looks like this:

[0] => Array
[page] => Item
=> #

[1] => Array
        [page] => Item
         => #


I would like to combine it with another array and put both into a new array to make it look like this :

PageTab => Array
[page] => Item
=> #

PageTab => Array
        [page] => Item
         => #


Do you have any suggestions on the best way to do this?

If the order doesn’t matter, just:

foreach($Array as $Value) {
  $NewArray[$PageTabs[3]] = $Value;

I’m sure there’s a better way, but this works :slight_smile:

If you need to merge an array, then array_merge()

PageTab => Array
[page] => Item
 => #

PageTab => Array
[page] => Item
 => #

As each array key is called PageTab, there will only ever be one array.

$ans['PageTab']=array('q' => 'a', 'a'=>2);
$ans['PageTab']=array('q' => 'a', 'a'=>2);
$ans['PageTab']=array('q' => 'b', 'a'=>3);


// gives
  'PageTab' => 
      'q' => string 'b' (length=1)
      'a' => int 3

As Cups said, you can’t have associative array with keys that share same name.