Show and Hide

I was trying to follow a tutorial and understand why it does what it does, but it’s not working and I don’t know why.

This is my jQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('> p:gt(0)').hide();  
  $('> h3').click(function() {

Its from this page:

Any idea what’s going on?

It probably won’t work because there is only one element with the class “show-hide” and in this expression, you’re matching the second one:

$('> p:gt(0)')

Read the documentation about :eq.

This seems like an overly complex way to do it. Surely this will do (not tested):

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(' > p').hide(); 
  $(' > h3').click(function() {

I like the siblings() selector, it’s neat. I hadn’t seen it before.

Assuming that you’ll only have one ‘show-hide’ per page. If not, remove the :first.

$(".show-hide:first").each(function(i) {
	var $init = $(this);
	var $heading = $init.children().filter("h3");
	var $para = $init.children().filter("p");
	$ {
		var $this = $(this);
		if ($":hidden")) {

It was from this page:

Ok, so I have this now:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(' > dd').hide();
  $(' > dt').click(function() {

I have added this to give a class to the active DT:


Problem is it stays highlighted when I click on something else. Is there anyway I can remove the class if the dt has not been clicked?


Your script is currently doing this:

[list][]slidey slidey
]set “active” to dt[/list]

Here is what you need to do instead:

[list][]remove “active” from all dt’s
]slidey slidey
[*]set “active” to dt[/list]

Righto, I had tried that approach, will give it another stab.

Ok, this is what I have.

$(document).ready(function() {
	$('dl.links > dt').removeClass("active");
	$('dl.links > dd').hide();
	$('dl.links > dt').click(function() {

This doesn’t work.

woo hoo,

this however does work.

$(document).ready(function() {
	$('dl.links > dd').hide();
	$('dl.links > dt').click(function() {