Show/Hide Vertical Nav-Menu Help (jQ)

I’m sure this should be simple but it’s driving me nuts!

I have a nav menu with lists within lists (3 deep), with pattern as follows:

  <li class="show-hide">
    <a class="parent"></a>
      <li class="show-hide">
        <a class="parent"></a>

I’ve written the following jQuery, which works nicely:

$(" ul").hide(); 
$("a.parent").click(function () {
  return false;

When a parent link is clicked it reveals the sub-list. What I would like to do is hide currently visible lists when another is revealed. I’ve tried to use .siblings but it dunt werk (or, at least, I can’t make it happen!)


The way to do that is to hide all of the lists, then to show the clicked one, and each of its parents.

I have hidden all of the lists first. The script then shows the one proceeding the clicked link, which is fine. What I want to do is hide any others that are already open – at the moment you can expand the entire tree, which I don’t want…

The way to hide any that are already open is to hide all of them, and then to open up only the ones that you need to be opened.

That’s exactly what you said before. Except I get it this time. Excuse my slowness!

I’ve got this now:

$(" ul").hide(); 
$("a.parent").click(function () {
  $(" ul").slideUp("slow")
  return false;

… which works nicely.
