Show initial content in div

I’m using this script to open different content in one div:
What I would like is to have the first textblock already visible when you open the page.
Any ideas?

The most simple way to display the first DIV element is to use CSS and the :first-child pseudo selector, see the below example.

#collapseBlock div[id^=text]:first-child {
    display: block;

Thanks for your fast reply!
I’m afraid it didn’t work for me though… should I add something to the html?

hShow = function(nu) {
	var theTxt = document.getElementById("nav").getElementsByTagName("A");
	for (var i=0; i<theTxt.length; i++) {
        if (i==nu){
		theTxt[i].onclick=function() {  click(this); }

function click(obj){
		var theRef = obj.getAttribute('href');
			var hash= theRef.indexOf('#')+1;
			var theDiv= theRef.substr(hash);
			theToggleDiv = document.getElementById(theDiv);
			 var alreadyOn=0;
			var c = " " + theToggleDiv.className + " ";
			if (c.indexOf(" " + "over" + " ") != -1){alreadyOn = 1}
			if (!alreadyOn) {
			theToggleDiv.className+=" over"}


function clearClasses(){
var	navRoot = document.getElementById("collapseBlock");
	for (j=0; j<navRoot.childNodes.length; j++) {
		var node = navRoot.childNodes[j];
		if (node.nodeName=="DIV") {
		var x=node;
		x.className=x.className.replace(new RegExp(" over\\\\b"), "");
window.onload = function(){ hShow(0);  }  // parameter 0 = the index number of the content to show

That did it brilliantly!!
thanks man :slight_smile: