Show more/less smooth expanding div

I have a div on a site that contains a large amount of text. I want to be able to show the div at a certain height (say 200pxls high) with the remainder of the copy hidden until the user clicks the ‘read more…’ link when the div smoothly expands to show the full copy and the ‘Show more…’ link is replaced with ‘Show less…’.

I’ve found script that allows me to do this, but only by making the div jump from one state to the other, rather than a smooth expand.

Can anyone help with this?


Can we see what you already have for the page itself?

Cheers for helping :slight_smile:

I have the following (and obviously I didn’t write this myself but downloaded it from the MIT website, so all credit to Karl Swedberg) - this is an updated version to the version I previously had, this one does scroll/expand but its pretty jerky at the start/finish where the copy disappears/reappears.

 * jQuery Expander Plugin v1.4.2
 * Date: Sat Mar 31 20:51:48 2012 EDT
 * Requires: jQuery v1.3+
 * Copyright 2011, Karl Swedberg
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses (just like jQuery):

(function($) {
  $.expander = {
    version: '1.4.2',
    defaults: {
      // the number of characters at which the contents will be sliced into two parts.
      slicePoint: 100,

      // whether to keep the last word of the summary whole (true) or let it slice in the middle of a word (false)
      preserveWords: true,

      // a threshold of sorts for whether to initially hide/collapse part of the element's contents.
      // If after slicing the contents in two there are fewer words in the second part than
      // the value set by widow, we won't bother hiding/collapsing anything.
      widow: 4,

      // text displayed in a link instead of the hidden part of the element.
      // clicking this will expand/show the hidden/collapsed text
      expandText: 'read more',
      expandPrefix: '… ',

      expandAfterSummary: false,

      // class names for summary element and detail element
      summaryClass: 'summary',
      detailClass: 'details',

      // class names for <span> around "read-more" link and "read-less" link
      moreClass: 'read-more',
      lessClass: 'read-less',

      // number of milliseconds after text has been expanded at which to collapse the text again.
      // when 0, no auto-collapsing
      collapseTimer: 0,

      // effects for expanding and collapsing
      expandEffect: 'slideDown',
      expandSpeed: 1000,
      collapseEffect: 'slideUp',
      collapseSpeed: 1000,

      // allow the user to re-collapse the expanded text.
      userCollapse: true,

      // text to use for the link to re-collapse the text
      userCollapseText: 'read less',
      userCollapsePrefix: ' ',

      // all callback functions have the this keyword mapped to the element in the jQuery set when .expander() is called

      onSlice: null, // function() {}
      beforeExpand: null, // function() {},
      afterExpand: null, // function() {},
      onCollapse: null // function(byUser) {}

  $.fn.expander = function(options) {
    var meth = 'init';

    if (typeof options == 'string') {
      meth = options;
      options = {};

    var opts = $.extend({}, $.expander.defaults, options),
        rSelfClose = /^<(?:area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param).*>$/i,
        rAmpWordEnd = opts.wordEnd || /(&(?:[^;]+;)?|[a-zA-Z\\u00C0-\\u0100]+)$/,
        rOpenCloseTag = /<\\/?(\\w+)[^>]*>/g,
        rOpenTag = /<(\\w+)[^>]*>/g,
        rCloseTag = /<\\/(\\w+)>/g,
        rLastCloseTag = /(<\\/[^>]+>)\\s*$/,
        rTagPlus = /^<[^>]+>.?/,

    var methods = {
      init: function() {
        this.each(function() {
          var i, l, tmp, newChar, summTagless, summOpens, summCloses,
              lastCloseTag, detailText, detailTagless,
              $thisDetails, $readMore,
              openTagsForDetails = [],
              closeTagsForsummaryText = [],
              defined = {},
              thisEl = this,
              $this = $(this),
              $summEl = $([]),
              o = $.meta ? $.extend({}, opts, $ : opts,
              hasDetails = !!$this.find('.' + o.detailClass).length,
              hasBlocks = !!$this.find('*').filter(function() {
                var display = $(this).css('display');
                return (/^block|table|list/).test(display);
              el = hasBlocks ? 'div' : 'span',
              detailSelector = el + '.' + o.detailClass,
              moreSelector = 'span.' + o.moreClass,
              expandSpeed = o.expandSpeed || 0,
              allHtml = $.trim( $this.html() ),
              allText = $.trim( $this.text() ),
              summaryText = allHtml.slice(0, o.slicePoint);

          // bail out if we've already set up the expander on this element
          if ( $.data(this, 'expander') ) {

          $.data(this, 'expander', true);

          // determine which callback functions are defined
          $.each(['onSlice','beforeExpand', 'afterExpand', 'onCollapse'], function(index, val) {
            defined[val] = $.isFunction(o[val]);

          // back up if we're in the middle of a tag or word
          summaryText = backup(summaryText);

          // summary text sans tags length
          summTagless = summaryText.replace(rOpenCloseTag, '').length;

          // add more characters to the summary, one for each character in the tags
          while (summTagless < o.slicePoint) {
            newChar = allHtml.charAt(summaryText.length);
            if (newChar == '<') {
              newChar = allHtml.slice(summaryText.length).match(rTagPlus)[0];
            summaryText += newChar;

          summaryText = backup(summaryText, o.preserveWords);

          // separate open tags from close tags and clean up the lists
          summOpens = summaryText.match(rOpenTag) || [];
          summCloses = summaryText.match(rCloseTag) || [];

          // filter out self-closing tags
          tmp = [];
          $.each(summOpens, function(index, val) {
            if ( !rSelfClose.test(val) ) {
          summOpens = tmp;

          // strip close tags to just the tag name
          l = summCloses.length;
          for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
            summCloses[i] = summCloses[i].replace(rCloseTag, '$1');

          // tags that start in summary and end in detail need:
          // a). close tag at end of summary
          // b). open tag at beginning of detail
          $.each(summOpens, function(index, val) {
            var thisTagName = val.replace(rOpenTag, '$1');
            var closePosition = $.inArray(thisTagName, summCloses);
            if (closePosition === -1) {
              closeTagsForsummaryText.push('</' + thisTagName + '>');

            } else {
              summCloses.splice(closePosition, 1);

          // reverse the order of the close tags for the summary so they line up right

          // create necessary summary and detail elements if they don't already exist
          if ( !hasDetails ) {

            // end script if there is no detail text or if detail has fewer words than widow option
            detailText = allHtml.slice(summaryText.length);
            detailTagless = $.trim( detailText.replace(rOpenCloseTag, '') );

            if ( detailTagless === '' || detailTagless.split(/\\s+/).length < o.widow ) {
            // otherwise, continue...
            lastCloseTag = closeTagsForsummaryText.pop() || '';
            summaryText += closeTagsForsummaryText.join('');
            detailText = openTagsForDetails.join('') + detailText;

          } else {
            // assume that even if there are details, we still need readMore/readLess/summary elements
            // (we already bailed out earlier when readMore el was found)
            // but we need to create els differently

            // remove the detail from the rest of the content
            detailText = $this.find(detailSelector).remove().html();

            // The summary is what's left
            summaryText = $this.html();

            // allHtml is the summary and detail combined (this is needed when content has block-level elements)
            allHtml = summaryText + detailText;

            lastCloseTag = '';
          o.moreLabel = $this.find(moreSelector).length ? '' : buildMoreLabel(o);

          if (hasBlocks) {
            detailText = allHtml;
          summaryText += lastCloseTag;

          // onSlice callback
          o.summary = summaryText;
          o.details = detailText;
          o.lastCloseTag = lastCloseTag;

          if (defined.onSlice) {
            // user can choose to return a modified options object
            // one last chance for user to change the options. sneaky, huh?
            // but could be tricky so use at your own risk.
            tmp =, o);

          // so, if the returned value from the onSlice function is an object with a details property, we'll use that!
            o = tmp && tmp.details ? tmp : o;

          // build the html with summary and detail and use it to replace old contents
          var html = buildHTML(o, hasBlocks);

          $this.html( html );

          // set up details and summary for expanding/collapsing
          $thisDetails = $this.find(detailSelector);
          $readMore = $this.find(moreSelector);
          $readMore.find('a').unbind('click.expander').bind('click.expander', expand);

          $summEl = $this.find('div.' + o.summaryClass);

          if ( o.userCollapse && !$this.find('span.' + o.lessClass).length ) {
            .append('<span class="' + o.lessClass + '">' + o.userCollapsePrefix + '<a href="#">' + o.userCollapseText + '</a></span>');

          .find('span.' + o.lessClass + ' a')
          .bind('click.expander', function(event) {
            var $detailsCollapsed = $(this).closest(detailSelector);
            reCollapse(o, $detailsCollapsed);
            if (defined.onCollapse) {
    , true);

          function expand(event) {
            if (defined.beforeExpand) {

            $thisDetails.stop(false, true)[o.expandEffect](expandSpeed, function() {
              $thisDetails.css({zoom: ''});
              if (defined.afterExpand) {;}
              delayCollapse(o, $thisDetails, thisEl);

        }); // this.each
      destroy: function() {
        if ( !'expander') ) {
        this.each(function() {
          var $this = $(this),
              o = $.meta ? $.extend({}, opts, $ : opts,
              details = $this.find('.' + o.detailClass).contents();

          $this.find('.' + o.moreClass).remove();
          $this.find('.' + o.summaryClass).remove();
          $this.find('.' + o.detailClass).after(details).remove();
          $this.find('.' + o.lessClass).remove();


    // run the methods (almost always "init")
    if ( methods[meth] ) {
      methods[ meth ].call(this);

    // utility functions
    function buildHTML(o, blocks) {
      var el = 'span',
          summary = o.summary;
      if ( blocks ) {
        el = 'div';
        // if summary ends with a close tag, tuck the moreLabel inside it
        if ( rLastCloseTag.test(summary) && !o.expandAfterSummary) {
          summary = summary.replace(rLastCloseTag, o.moreLabel + '$1');
        } else {
        // otherwise (e.g. if ends with self-closing tag) just add moreLabel after summary
        // fixes #19
          summary += o.moreLabel;

        // and wrap it in a div
        summary = '<div class="' + o.summaryClass + '">' + summary + '</div>';
      } else {
        summary += o.moreLabel;

      return [
          el + ' class="' + o.detailClass + '"',
        '</' + el + '>'

    function buildMoreLabel(o) {
      var ret = '<span class="' + o.moreClass + '">' + o.expandPrefix;
      ret += '<a href="#">' + o.expandText + '</a></span>';
      return ret;

    function backup(txt, preserveWords) {
      if ( txt.lastIndexOf('<') > txt.lastIndexOf('>') ) {
        txt = txt.slice( 0, txt.lastIndexOf('<') );
      if (preserveWords) {
        txt = txt.replace(rAmpWordEnd,'');

      return $.trim(txt);

    function reCollapse(o, el) {
      el.stop(true, true)[o.collapseEffect](o.collapseSpeed, function() {
        var prevMore = el.prev('span.' + o.moreClass).show();
        if (!prevMore.length) {
          el.parent().children('div.' + o.summaryClass).show()
            .find('span.' + o.moreClass).show();

    function delayCollapse(option, $collapseEl, thisEl) {
      if (option.collapseTimer) {
        delayedCollapse = setTimeout(function() {
          reCollapse(option, $collapseEl);
          if ( $.isFunction(option.onCollapse) ) {
  , false);
        }, option.collapseTimer);

    return this;

  // plugin defaults
  $.fn.expander.defaults = $.expander.defaults;

$(document).ready(function() {
  var opts = {collapseTimer: 4000};

  $.each(['beforeExpand', 'afterExpand', 'onCollapse'], function(i, callback) {
    opts[callback] = function(byUser) {
      var by, msg = '<div class="success">' + callback;

      if (callback == 'onCollapse') {
        msg += ' (' + (byUser ? 'user' : 'timer') + ')';
      msg += '</div>';


  $('dl.expander dd').eq(0).expander();
  $('dl.expander dd').slice(1).expander(opts);

  $('ul.expander li').expander({
    slicePoint: 50,
    widow: 2,
    expandSpeed: 0,
    userCollapseText: '[^]'


<div id="main">
  <div class="expander" style="background-color:#CCCCCC; border:#999999 1px solid; padding:10px;">
    <p>Paragraph 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
      sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim
      ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip
      ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate
      velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. </p>
    <p>Paragraph 2: Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa
      qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>