Showing html markup in preview of article

It seems Wordpress will not show the formatted html version of an excerpt. What is the code to fix that so that the excerpt is formatted?

What on eart do you mean?

Are you trying to embed html tags like <div>xxx</div>

if so then try replacing with < and >

Hope this helps. See the code snippet page at for a more detailed description.

something like:

<script type=“text/javascript” src=“”></Script><noscript><div class=“addshield”><a title=“addshield protected site” href=“” target=“_blank”>Addshield Protection</a></div></noscript>

or try an encoded version like…

<script type="text/javascript" src=" class="addshield"><a title="addshield protected site" href=" target="_blank">Addshield Protection</a></div></noscript>